Question : Are ".jpg" ".ico" ".cur" reading files function cut off?

In 3.19~3.2.1, Standalone uses Windows standard file opening dialog, and it can read more file types. (such as"jpg").
3.2.2 has a different file opening dialog, but it can read the same file types.

However, 3.2.3 has a different file opening dialog and it can read fewer file types.

Are “.jpg” “.ico” “.cur” reading files function cut off?
(especially, “.jpg”. If so, I need to rewrite my scripts.)

There is now a Use native file dialog option in the Settings, you can check/uncheck it to get the old opening dialog.

As for the .jpg support, we didn’t change anything about that.
We had issues with .jpg support on G’MIC-Qt in the past (on Windows only :frowning: ), but I thought this was fixed.

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It is simply linked to the packaging.
You can use the 64-bit version of gmic_qt.exe contained in this archive:

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Thank you, that option makes the native dialog come back.
However, the .jpg reading does not come back still.

Could someone please run the 3.2.3 gmic_qt.exe,
and test that they can read .jpg?

gmic-3.2.3-cli-win64 is fine.
gmic-3.2.2-qt-win64 is also fine.
only gmic-3.2.3-qt-win64 can’t read .jpg.
If I run the qt from the command line with a .jpg file,
3.2.3 is simply down.

If this is only my problem, really sorry for disturbing.


There is no problem to open a jpeg image with the G’MIC-QT version of my previous message. I see that you do not use this version.

G’mic 3.2.3 does read jpg’s for me.

The file is: GMIC Windows 64 Bits: Stand-Alone GUI
from GMIC download latest version
(Versión no via THE GIMP)



To use ‘gmic_qt.exe’ Version 3.2.3 Just download and extract the archive:

and click on:

Note: ‘gmic_qt.exe’ version 3.2.3 of GMIC download latest version cannot open JPEG files.


Why that ? I’ve compiled it with the libjpeg support.
What’s this another Windows witchcraft?


It is well known Windows is evil but QT even more (it’s a joke) :innocent:

I do not know if it is your choice to limit the volume of your archives but it lacks the QT plug-ins ‘Imageformats’.

I just did a test. With your archive it is possible to open a jpeg by adding the ‘Imageformats’ plug-ins.


OK, so I’ve posted a new pre-release archive on the G’MIC website, that includes the required imageformats/ folder.
Here is the link :

Could you try to download it and tell us if that now manages .jpg files?

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There is no problem with this new archive.
G’MIC QT can open and save in JPEG.


Thank you :smiley:
This time can read .jpg! (and .ico .cur )

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