ratings from other software and 'opening in'

Hello, I’m using Darktable on Mac OSX. When opening an image from a browser like Digikam or iSmartphoto, the single photo is not opened in the Darktables darkroom, but the folder where the photo is in, is opened in Darktables lighttable. This makes it hard to use browsersoftware in combination with Darktable. Is there a solution for this ?

Also : when I add ratings to pictures in Digikam (written to sidecarfiles), they do not show up in Darktable. This could be a workaround to the above described problem.

Thanks !

Do you have the darktable preference to reread metadata checked? See https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/ch08s02.html.php – look for updated xmp files on startup

I’m also guessing there is a flag you can pass darktable to open it in the darktable view-- have a look at the digikam options to open darktable

Hi Mica, even after enabling ‘look for updated xmp files on startup’ ratings don’t show up in Darktable.

About the preferences of Digikam : one can only point DT as an external editor. In fact the Mac systems preferences for Rawfiles, is the one Digikam uses.

Can you confirm that digikam writes the rating to the XMP sidecar file?

Regarding opening single images from the command line, it seems that the code handling that is commented out for OSX – at least that’s how I understand it:

If that’s not what is happening you should have a look at the exact command line with which darktable gets launched. I assume that the process monitor can tell you while darktable is running, launched from digikam.

Under Digikams preferences : metadata are written to the image AND to sidecars. I presume this the case for ratings too.
Sorry : checking commandlines is above my knowledge. Anyone who is using Mac to help us out ? thanks.

Can you post an xmp file that has a rating?

@peterdb That’s weird, out of cat’s curiosity tried rating a couple stills (DNG and RW2) in digikam and then:

See if ratings were recorded into the xmp - They are ( as acdsee ratings, line 14)
See if darktable would recognize them - It did perfectly

I just dropped the stils to DT icon from they location inside DK library, case makes any difference.

OSX 10.11.6
DT 2.2.5

IMGP2426.DNG.xmp (3.4 KB)

20170514_150735_DSC_2989.NEF kopie.xmp (1.1 KB)

That has a rating of 0 stars.

After talking to darktable’s OSX maintainer we assume that loading single images in darkroom is fixed now. I can’t test it so you’d have to wait for a new release – unless you build it yourself.

Strange. I’ve checked again and in Digikam it has 3 stars.
The same happens by the way with ratings in an app called iSmartphoto. anyhow : I wil do my ratings in DT self and look after the issue when I have some more time. Thanks.

Thanks. I wait for the next release. Any schedule ?

Not yet.