Ratings getting lost on random

I am using RawTherapee 5.11. I’ve started using it recently, before that I was using 5.8 for years. Before I proceed with opening an Issue on Github, would like to first ask around. I got a very weird issue with rating, which was absent in 5.8. The problem is… rating is randomly disappearing from my files. I tried to somehow reproduce it, but always fail to do so. Rating can disappear for a single file or for multiple at once. It drives me crazy (and hurts my workflow a lot)! Did anyone encounter similar issue?

Same happens with color labels as well -_- Just re-opened today RawTherapee and all the Blue labels just vanished… Edited and Saved statuses seem to persist just fine.

Hello, can’t reproduce here on Linux, color labels and ratings are well kept between sessions, both with v5.11 and v5.11-dev. What’s your OS?

When your ratings disappear, is that after 1 day or two weeks or…?

I think I finally reproduced it, at least for a single image. Steps:

  1. Open an image which has a rating set in folder A;
  2. Go to folder B;
  3. Open an image which has no rating;
  4. Go back to folder A;
  5. Image from point 1 has lost its rating -_-

Running RT 5.11 from Flathub. Executed it from terminal - not seeing any error messages.

Making a note mostly for myself here. I’ve had this happen with RT 5.11 as well, but always thought it was due to the sometimes instable USB connection between my PC and my external SSD (which is my main image drive). Entire folders lose their ratings, and sometimes even “forget” the last processing settings which are stored in the RAW’s pp3. Loading those pp3s works perfectly fine, but somehow sometimes RT won’t auto-load and apply the last processing settings from the pp3.

I’ll try @fliker09’s reproduction steps above.

So I am not going crazy, haha. Thank gods processing parameters are not lost, otherwise I would get rather… pissed. It seems I’ve found how to lose rating for multiple images - you need to export them before opening an image without rating.

OK, it gets even wilder:

  1. Open image A with rating 2-stars;
  2. Copy its profile;
  3. Go to image B in the same folder, which same the same rating 2-stars;
  4. Apply the profile;
  5. Adjust it and copy the profile;
  6. Apply it to another 4 images (I am working with a set of 5 bracketed images);
  7. Reload the folder;
  8. Images A, B and the other 4 all lost their ratings.
    This is crazy…

One more scenario. Was working on a 3-stars image. Finished and exported it. Closed RT. Opened 5.9 instead (because I am very tired of these shenanigans). 2-stars images, thankfully, kept their ratings. But 3-star image lost it. Put it back, restarted RT 5.9 and… it was still there! I will stay with 5.9 for now, 5.11 turns my workflow into a nightmare, sadly; I rely on ratings A LOT.

You should open a bug on github.

Will do! I just wanted someone else to reproduce it as well and confirm I am not a lunatic :smiley:

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