Can I turn that off?
Okay so this is basically saying that the image I’m looking at in Rawtherapee is “more raw” than what I see in a photo viewer?
Can I turn that off?
Okay so this is basically saying that the image I’m looking at in Rawtherapee is “more raw” than what I see in a photo viewer?
I think you can turn it off. I leave it on its default behavior and click the reset button at the top of the exposure section, so as to not disable the other default behaviors. Nowhere near a computer so one of the others here or the rawpedia can help you do that.
You appear to not have read the link you were pointed to twice now…
See the “Processing profiles” section
Attempted to skim 'cause I’m low on time, clearly missed the point. Will read it later
I would recommend to open it with another software ,like this maybe: so you could be sure if it’s a photo issue or software issue. Try it and let me know if it worked