Raw Therapee works on Windows 10 but not Macbook Pro Mojave


Totally new to Raw Therapee and from what I see is an incredibly powerful editor

Problem, it works fine on Windows 10 but crashes every time on Mac

Can someone help??

Thanks so much



Thanks, that worked

This is quite the editor, glad I found it


I will be spending some more time on it this afternoon after coffee.


Hi, it seems to be crashing too

What is “it” exactly?

it just seems to quit when I launch it Raw Therapee that is, sorry

Is that the 5.6 version or the 5.7 version?

5.6 I’ll figure this out just odd

Remove the cache directory.

Well I’ve gotten a good glib build, now there are other dependencies to re compile to align the versioning before I can build the gtk3. The strategy is to build using the patches and flags from the macports portfile directories on GitHub, plus the 10.9 SDK flags.

macOS 10.15 Catalina ß9&10 is enforcing the hardened runtime environment for all executables, and gobject-introspection, one of the sub-dependencies, is not compilable at this time. There are several other issues about non-compilation of other gn- libraries in Catalina. This is possibly due to the use of a relative path, like ./ where relative paths are not allowed in a hardened runtime. As I am not about to debug the introspection compilation, going to try on 10.14.6 Mojave where the g-ir scanner should work.

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