RawPedia - "How to get Nikon ICM profiles from NX2"

@LZ1 thanks, page updated and moved to How to get Nikon ICM profiles - RawPedia
As I don’t use Windows or any of these programs myself, and I don’t see how one is to tell which ICM is unnecessary or whether that’s the case for all of these Nikon programs, so I left that part out.

Thank you all for making every beginner steps easier!

I visited the page How to get Nikon ICM profiles - RawPedi. However I can no longer reproduce the Nikon ICM with the same described process. I tried NX Studio, Capture NX-D, ViewNX-i, the %TEMP%\Nkn<random string>.tmp contains nothing.
Is anyone here still using this approach? If I tweak Picture Control a little bit (e.g. tone curve), is it possible to generated the corresponding ICM?
I could really use some helps, Thank you.

I’m not sure if the environment variable has changed between Windows versions, but it’s advisable to check your own environment settings. E.g.: under Win 8.1Pro you’ll have to go to System Properties > Advanced tab > click on Environment Variables and look there.

In my test system the Temp variable is set to

so to locate the desired ICC (ICM) profile I have to browse to
C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Temp\Nkn<random string>.tmp
and there there are 4 somehow different versions, one of which is the one you need.

I can’t tell if the changed made within the program are saved into the ICC profile, but I would say that they are not.


Thank you XavAL, Great help!

I checked my system:
OS = Win 10 Professional
%TEMP% = %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp [same as yours]

While running Nikon softwares, e.g. NX Studio, Capture NX-D, ViewNX-i, Picture Control Utility 2,
Several %TEMP%\Nkn<random string>.tmp folders do appear, then they are auto-deleted after closing above programs. I guess this suggests that the environment variables works well?

Unfortunately, inside those folders, I find nothing. So far I’ve tried turn off Don’t show hidden files folders or drives, turn off Hide protected operating system files. But those folders are empty.

Is there anything I probably missed?

Why not do as I did and place the profiles in your “user” folder and point RT to the profiles when needed?

Hello Mike, Thanks for reply!

I’m not quite sure what you are referring to, my problem is that I’m searching for Nikon-generated ICM profiles, so that I can apply those profiles to RT or dT.

Would you share me your ideas regarding how those profiles can be found and then place to specific directory? Thank you!

I don’t know what’s happening, sorry.

It works everytime in my system, no matter if I launch Capture NX-D with an image opened straight away, or if it opens in the thumbnail view (there are slight differences, but the icm files are there). Same with ViewNX-i.

Maybe somebody else has the solution.

I don’t have the Nikon software on my computer anymore. I download the Nikon software for the sole purpose of getting these ICM files.

First make sure that your appdata folder is not hidden. In file explorer you should be able to do a *, Icm search. Copy the files to a location where you can get to them easily Via RT. I put mine in a Nikon folder under my user.

It doesn’t work for me either. Tried ViewNX and NX Studio. The folders appear but are empty. Looks like Nikon no longer wants this to be possible.

Is it possible they are just in another location…

I don’t think so. I just downloaded the latest version of NX Studio. I cannot find any icm files after searching my entire “C” drive.

I’ll see what I can find…might even check windows history

Thanks for your time!

Is this approach still available for your?

I tried Everything to scan the entire HDD(NTFS) while running those programs, also Recycle Bin but can’t find any *.icm of them. Still working out.

I found some in a temp directory in AppData…they have long names…there are 4 or 5 and one called linear…


I would like to reproduce your procedure! Is the folder/path that you metioned " %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp" ?

I found some in a temp directory in AppData…they have long names…there are 4 or 5 and one called linear…

I just installed the latest Nikon software and loaded an NEF file…then went looking while it was open in the software…

Okidoki. I tested some stuff and I got it working with D7500 and D850, it does not work with Z6 and Z50. There might be a pattern in this.

D: :grin:, Z: :worried:

Confirmed here on Z7 and Z50.

Most probably Nikon is embedding their profiles inside the camera hardware, somewhere. So no need for Capture NX-D and others to generate them.

I think it’s time now to create your own icc profiles.

Now, THAT would be a sea-change in metadata. There are a lot of Makernote tags in Z-NEFs that exiftool can’t (yet) decode; we already know about lens corrections, but a color matrix would also be plausible…