Since I’ve been using screenshots of it in various places, I thought it was time to put a bow on the release. See the Release page on github for particulars.
I’ve gotten to the point with this code base that 1) I’ve learned a lot about how to better organize such a software, and 2) this code base probably dead-ends a lot of that learning. The group tool made that realization poignant; I like this tool very much but the 0.9 implementation was basically hacked upon the original tool chain organization. So that, and some of the data structuring around librtprocess has me considering re-starting (or, what do they call it in the movies, re-booting? ) rawproc development. Some of the things I’m considering:
- A whole new image library organization. I’ve already explored some of this in a gimage2 repository over at github. The main improvements would be 1) reorganize the internal image array around librtprocess data conventions; 2) collection all of LittleCMS, Exiv2, and Lensfun as first-class members of the gImage class; Oh, if you look at gimage2, ignore OpenCV, I’ve pretty well decided not to use that.
- Move to the Qt toolkit. I’m really content with wxWidgets, but I need to consider a high-bitdepth display architecture.
- Localization/Internationalization. All here of other-than-English speaking have been very polite to me, need to pay that back…
- CMake building. Geesh, I’ve just figured out the GNU autotools, now this…
I recently semi-retired (half-time, working from home!), so I now have the time I’ve wanted for a few years now to do more of this. That’d be more rawproc, and more participation in the other projects. Oh, and getting out with the camera…