rawproc 0.9 Is Released, and rawproc2 is Contemplated...

Put this in input.raw.default:

group:colorspace:camera,assign;subtract:camera;whitebalance:camera;demosaic:proof blackwhitepoint:rgb,data

This will process any opened raw to a linear RGB. You can subsequently break the group apart by right-clicking the group tool and selecting “Convert group to tool list”, and then be able to modify the individual tools. Or, just change the group in input.raw.default to remove the group…

Whatever I do here, the error message stays.
The only way to get rid of it is to remove display.cms.displayprofile in properties. In that case I get back “CMS: display (-)”. The help says that in this case rawproc uses the internal sRGB profile.

That would then indicate that the display profile isn’t valid in some way. I thought I’d trapped all that, but LittleCMS is a large black box…

I know Elle’s sRGB profiles work as display profiles, try this one:

Post your sRGB.icc here, I’d like to try it.

The krita’s sRGB one:
sRGB.icc (6.8 KB)
My monitor:
samsung_D65_100_20211213.icc (2.3 KB)

With or without group in there, I don’t see any group in the toolchain.


About the Elle’s profiles, I’ve seen once one of them work, but I don’t succeed in reproducing …

Okay, the last thing I can think of would be the cms.profilepath, if they’re not in that directory or the path is not right, that’d explain why both profiles don’t work.

I tried the Krita sRGB, put it in my cms.profilepath directory, works fine…

Edit: I’ve always used absolute paths here, haven’t tested relative paths…

Does work ! Understood. I have to put all profiles in the same folder (as the help says …).

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I’ve occasionally considered some sort of segregated directory scheme, e.g., camera_profiles, working_profiles, display_profiles, etc, but my properties template scheme would become too complicated. I’ve accordingly grown fond of my little profile “zoo”, started with a clone of Elle’s repository and just added to it over time…

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If there’s a group in the toolchain, it’ll look like this, and right-clicking on the group tool will produce this popup:

Screenshot from 2021-12-15 09-27-47

Sorry, the toolchain is a bit hidden. In a toolchain string, the group will be defined like this:


No spaces in the group, that’s what delimits individual tools.

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I see the groups now.
I’ve also updated wxWidgets from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 but messages seem not to have changed.
Rawproc allows to try and compare a lot of different strategies. Very interesting indeed !
Thanks for sharing this (and for the patience to help :smile: ).

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