RawTherapee 5.10 released

On behalf of the RawTherapee team, I am pleased to announce RawTherapee 5.10 is released! For release notes and downloads, head over to RawTherapee - RawTherapee v5.10.

Special thanks to @HIRAM for providing the macOS dmg and to @patdavid for publishing the news on the website!



I know I keep saying this, but I’m not going to stop or make any apologies for doing so: Thanks to everyone involved in the RawTherapee project – without your tireless dedication and hard work, there would be no camera in my camera bag and very little joy in my life. :heart:


The flatpack arrived just this morning and I read through the release notes. Impressive work, this.

We happened to have some doves in the dove plum just outside our window, so I squeezed off 600+ images of them in various poses. Of course the images needed processing and it gave me the opportunity to try out this update. The camera specific dcp colors look wonderful. The lens corrections are spot on. There are so many things that “feel” right with this release.

Woof! you guys are GREAT. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I’m finishing the Dutch translation voor 5.10 (except the tool tips, I’ll do them later, lots of work!).

@Lawrence37 : can I upload that file on Github (I have an account) or do I need permissions to do that?

That’s awesome. Thank you so much to all of the people who contribute to this project. It still amazes me that this community can build, deliver and update a top-class RAW editor to the world for free. For me this is an indispensable tool for my photography workflow.



I installed RAWTherapee on my MacOS Intel with Monterey 12.7 and got 2 problems:

Running from double clicking the icon displays the following dialog (in French : RawTherapee.app has left unexpectedly.)

Running from the terminal results on the following error:

Library not loaded: ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’
Referenced from: ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libfftw3f_omp.3.dylib’
Reason: tried: ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’ (code signature in <27DF851D-10AA-3150-9FA2-AD080D41BDC8> ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’ not valid for use in process: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed.), ‘/usr/lib/libgomp.1.dylib’ (no such file)

Finally running the -cli command result to another error (RAWTherapee is in /Applications):

RawTherapee, version 5.10, command line.
Terminating without anything to do.

Hope this helps !

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Hello @Lawrence37 , me again. The Dutch translation is finished, but I don’t have push rights for the RT project on Github (I just tried). So again, how or where can I upload this file, or can I attach it here?

@paulmatth @Lawrence37


I just pushed the languages file that you sent me, into Dev.
I did it directly, because you are the Dutch specialist.


Merci Jacques!

…I have this problem.
Mac OS Big Sur, v. 11.07

Time Awake Since Boot: 5700 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
dyld: Using shared cache: 3694F5E4-3E85-3CD5-A2B0-534E2DFC1355
Library not loaded: /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libfftw3f_omp.3.dylib
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib: code signing blocked mmap() of ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’
/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib: code signing blocked mmap() of ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’

@paulmatth Hi Paul, sorry I didn’t respond to you earlier. I had a busy day. For future translations, you can either create an issue and attach the file, or open a pull request if you have the translation in your fork of the repository.

@olivier Without supplying any arguments to rawtherapee-cli, it will just print the version and exit. Use rawtherapee-cli -h to see instructions on how to use the CLI. @HIRAM may know something about why the GUI app doesn’t run.

I’ll do that, thanks!

…sorry but I still have the problem of not being able to open RT 5.10, this is the initial report:

Process: rawtherapee [1268]
Path: /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
Identifier: com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee
Version: 5.10.0 (5.10.0)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: rawtherapee [1268]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2024-02-20 20:49:27.293 +0100
OS Version: macOS 11.7.10 (20G1427)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: C06C297A-6CC6-706D-71FB-BF5334F6F397

Time Awake Since Boot: 10000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
dyld: Using shared cache: 3694F5E4-3E85-3CD5-A2B0-534E2DFC1355
Library not loaded: /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libfftw3f_omp.3.dylib
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib: code signing blocked mmap() of ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’
/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib: code signing blocked mmap() of ‘/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgomp.1.dylib’

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@carlos1960 working on that fix currently. Hopefully later today.


First, big thanks to the whole team that continue to support this amazing software.

I’m having an issue while exporting in TIF format in 5.10, they are no more readable by Photopea and in Gimp they open as multiple layers. If I open them with IrfanView, there are four files inside.

In Rawtherapee 5.9 they were working perfectly. I have unchecked “BigTIFF” in the queue settings.

(Windows 10)

Hello and welcome!

That must be a Windows-related problem, on Linux an exported 16-bit tiff opens fine in Gimp.

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Windows 10: I can’t reproduce the IrfanView (vers. 4.6) issue, it works fine for me. With Gimp (vers. 2.10.36) I get the following errors:

Just tried it …don’t see that at all 16bit tiff with or without BigTiff option opens fine as expected… using my old Win 10 box for now but seemed to work fine… don’t see anything resembling what was posted…

Ah but I didn’t try a multi page one…

To be more precise, I opened Gimp directly from RT (source CR2 file), so the (multi page) TIFF was generated in RT…

…no news?