RawTherapee 5.6 released

This is about the RT thumbs cache, which resides in a single folder.

Oh, is it cumulative, cacheing thumbnails from different folders?


I know nothing about the subject but how about assigning an expiry date to cached thumbnails? Would an average user even want to access 20000 photos in a day?

Hi, thanks for this tip. In this case RT was opened in a subdir with only a few other files in it. Note that this is a behavior that only appeared with version 5.5 and is now continued with 5.6.

Timelapsers maybe. I recently made a time lapse with 4000 images. If it hadn’t started raining I’d have made it to 20000.

Of course I used camera jpegs, so no need to open big folders to process thousands of raws. If one were to have the resources to do a 20000 image timelapse, doing that in raw and with RT would be fun.


What’s the number of files in your RT-Cache data folder?

It could easily happen if used for timelapses as u/hiram mentioned, as well as raw vido.

For this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdg9xGB4hyY , I processed raw CDNG files produced by the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera in Rawtherapee. Athough the final render was only 4 minutes, 34 seconds, I ran about 44,000 raw files through Rawtherapee, including for frames of clips that got trimmed off in the timeline.

Edit: Syntax

After switching to RawTherapee version 5.6, I am having several severe problems:

  1. The file browser sees directories, but does not see files.
  2. When I double-click the directory name, no hidden directory in which the thumbnails of the images should be is created. Thumbnails are therefore not created either.
  3. I cannot change font size, or, more precisely, these changes are not saved in the configuration file. If the configuration file is edited by third-party editors, the changes do not affect RawTherapee.

Before the transition to the new version, everything was fine. The permissions for the directory containing the images are configured correctly.

I work with the OS OpenSuse Leap 42.3 KDE Plasma 5.8.7.

Are the extensions enabled?

Yes of course. If I change this setting in RawTherapee, then the ~/.config/RawTherape/options file changes. But the situation does not change.

Hi, Sorry about the delayed response. I had 7K files in the cache. Unfortunately deleting them had no performance impact.