RawTherapee 5.9 doesn't open raw files (orf) from OM System OM-1 Mark II

I have been photographing with Olympus cameras for a while now, E-M1 MK III and E-M1X among others, nowadays only in Raw (Orf).
But now I have a new OM-1 MK II, and the Raw files (Orf) are not recognized in RawTherapee - screen remains black.
I can succeed if I first convert the files to DNG with the Adobe DNG Converter, but I find that quite cumbersome.
Is there an update in prospect soon?

Search here in the forum and you will find several threds. This is one of those Does Rawtherapee support .ORF files from OM1?

OM-1 has only been added recently in RT 5.10.

You’ll need to make another GitHub request for the separate OM-1 Mark II support.

P.S. Even then, try to stick to 12-bit high-res raws, 14-bit won’t be supported for a while…


Didn’t know there was already a 5.10 version out - Sorry
Meanwhile installed, tested and working - OM-1 Mark II ORF’s open now ! big difference against the regular orf on RT5.9
Rawtherapy Rocks !
Thanks everyone

It might be “working”, as in able to read the file, but ATM you’re not getting the correct input colour profile for that model.

Yes, that may be correct, because they appear very dark on the screen, and the color profile I use exposure works well, but you do get a huge correction.
For color profile I use the profiles from the Adobe DNG Converter, which are available for this camera, and they seem to work well.
Anyway, it is strange that the neutrally set pictures appear so dark on the screen

First and foremost thanks to ChasingShadows & kmilos for the initial help, it got me started.

Ok, I’ve been testing the new RT version 5.10 with the ORF files of the new OM-1 MKII.
It’s not that it doesn’t work, but it doesn’t work very well.
When you open an ORF file and set it to “neutral”,
then it becomes very dark, almost black,
you need an exposure compensation of about 5 to get them more or less normal.

When I convert the ORF files to DNG with the Adobe DNG converter version 16.2.11767, the files open as expected, and the exposure adjustment is as expected.

I’m not familiar with GitHub, so I’m hoping someone can get this over to the proper channels.

I’m a super fan of RawTherapee and promote it on my own website, but the new OM System cameras are also an important camera system for bird and wildlife photographers, and it would be great if it worked flawlessly on RawTherapee to for these new cameras.
Thank’s in advance !