RawTherapee White-Slider [solved]

Is there such a thing as a “White-Sliderhter” in RT, (as it exists in LR), equivalent to the slighter “Black”?

Sorry, I was asking for a White-Slider, a “Whites” adjustment in the “Exposure”

You’ll find a discussion on this topic here: "Whites" adjustment in RT

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Hallo Wayne_Sutton,
yes, there everything was already described in detail. Thank you.

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is it useful to delete my request (if possible) to keep the forum free of duplicate discussions?

I needed the link to the other topic to understand what you meant…

‘slighter’ → ‘slider’… I thought you were talking about ‘making things a bit less white’ which was confusing :slight_smile:

Hallo jorismak
sorry, I meant a white slider of course. Wayne_Sutton showed us the link where everything was well discussed.
“Whites” adjustment in RT
RT has none “White” slider and apparently does not need one. That’s okay.

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