RawTheraper Crash on Mac

RawTherapy crashes immediately after opening on my Mac. Just got the app with a FastRawViewer and RawDigger bundle.

What can I do?


The version is probably too old. You would do best to use the 5.10 test build available in my shared folder: http://r42.us/rt5/


Thank you I downloaded the latest release and installed it. It says it will not run on my Mac which is late Intel based.

Other suggestions?


Which Mac model and macOS version do you have ?

Sonoma OS 14.0. See Mac model below

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 6.38.53 PM.png

The new one in the folder RawTherapee_macOS_13.3_Universal_5.9-493-g5f1af5ca5_24JAN301356 should work on intel. The previous build for some reason skipped the intel half.

Richard sorry to say it still does not open.

Thanks for testing; the app runs fine on intel big sur over here… Did you get any error when opening the app? Were you able to obtain a crash report, or did the system complain otherwise?

See below. I am on Sonoma 14.0.

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Looks like it hopeless trying to run RawTherapee on my 2020 Intel Mac running Sonoma OS 14.0.

I wouldn’t say that, just need to find time to fix it.

In my folder I have superceded the previous build with RawTherapee_macOS_13.3_Universal_5.9-493-g5f1af5ca5_24FEB012148.zip which updates the codesigning method*.

Let’s see if that resolves the error.

FYI what changed:

New way:

Old way:

Thanks but it crashed again—see below:

Sorry that didn’t work, the issue goes deeper than I thought of course. Now I’m testing the RawTherapee_macOS_13.3_Universal_5.9-496-gf06e756c2_24FEB021141.zip with an update to the available code directory hashes, as there is a known apple codesign bug causing a difference in codesign between the Apple Silicon and Intel platforms. Again, hoping this works out on your system.

See below. Still crashes.

I suspect the dynamic library loader cache is remembering old builds. I recommend deleting the app, rebooting, and reinstalling.

It still crashed. I will see what is in the Library.

Crashes when trying to open the app.

There is a RawTherapee container that can be trashed, in ~/Library/Containers. Trashing that sometimes helps with launch crashes that I encounter from time to time updating often.

That did not resolve it either. Thanks for trying.