Reactions other than "like"?

Hey there everyone …

Apologies if this is FAQ or a case of didn’t RTFM, but is it possible to configure a reaction other than “like” in our forums?
Not only in social media (I use LinkedIn professionally, have got back into Facebook (shudder!) recently), but also in online meetings or using Microsoft Teams (I do a lot of these, because we have about 20 staff scattered across the continent) - the ability to :clap: applaud, support, :laughing: laugh, or respond other than with “like” is a helpful shorthand.
Yes, I could post a reply and use emoticons, but that sometimes feels excessive.

I don’t think that’s possible, but even if it were, I’d be wary of enabling it. I feel like it’d kill a lot of conversation. I personally feel like its faux participation.

Instead of replying with emoji, why not expand on what you like or what you’re thinking or present some idea that extends the conversation?

Note that I press “like” probably more than anyone else here.


Very well; I’ll take that as carte blanche to hijack every thread I choose to :wink:
But seriously, folks, I’m all for conversation. Thanks for engaging with me, Mica!

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:wink: :wink:



I sometimes integrate a reaction into my post, but that is as far as I would go, with a preference for minimalism.

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I normally push like to acknowledge I have read a reply and appreciate the sentiment but am avoiding adding noise to the thread by posting a text reply.


Valid and good practice. It is a way for the shy or busy to engage in some manner: to that, making other types of reactions available kind of makes sense.

I do less of that however, since I read much more than I log in.

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Sometimes, a like is enough. Sometimes, someone wants to share their appreciation, but don’t really feel like doing more now.

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I participate in another forum with older software, no likes or such. A lot of post real-estate is devoted to thumbs-up emoji and small amounts of prose to present the “like” sentiment. On the other hand, Facebook, according to my observation of my wife’s participation, has this list of emotions you can convey to someone’s post, a system that seems to me to be vulnerable to mis-interpretation…

I don’t know @ggbutcher, how can :dash: possibly be misinterpreted?


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Windy today… or is my car misfiring!

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The frogs sure are loud.




@Soupy is surprisingly close! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I looks like I do it a lot, too.


In this case, by the shape, wet and acrid. :speak_no_evil:

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Now I feel cold and unfeeling with my meagre count of only 1.5k likes given. :wink:


I just gave you one because I haven’t even breached 500 yet.


Excuse me… that was accidental.

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