Ready for guests

The table is set, all that’s missing is the food, wine and the guests.

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DSC03516.ARW (58.8 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, NonCommercial.


We need a bracket with food served and the aftermath… :slight_smile:


GIMP duo-tone light blue, dark brown, big USM:

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Three first shots…

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DSC03516_01.ARW.xmp (17,6 KB)
DSC03516_01.ARW.xmp (19,0 KB)


Buon appetito!
I failed to get rid of the cyan fringes on the glasses. They will later be neutralized by red wine.

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Slightly brighter highlights in color balance rgb module of DT
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ART 1.18 with an experimental module I’ve been tinkering with. The sidecar is an approximation using standard tools.

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Just applied the AGX to this one that @kofa has been playing with…

Changed exposure and 2 sliders on AGX…first quick image…second one I used a little offset which seems to work a bit like rgb CD global luminance or BP correction in exposure by adjusting the black level…

Saturation slider was set at full so HL are a little too saturated maybe…

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Quick play in GIMP.

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I’m not sure if I love or hate this picture. It’s clear that it brings me near to desperation. :flushed:

A last attempt. A result with which I’m at least half way satisfied.

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darktable 5.0.1

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