Real noob amateur

Last year I had plenty of time to view astro videos and read facebook pages from amateur astro(photography) lovers.
I have tried an older version of Siril because it runs on Linux and that is the only OS I have. So thank you developers! :heart_eyes:
My question is: What can I do with Siril if I only have 5 or 20 jpg-images taken from the same part of the sky. The exposure time was about 6 seconds. No tracking was involved. Just a camera on a tripod.
To add, I am reasonably acquainted with Gimp.

Please advise.

Newer version too. In fact we develop Siril on GNU/Linux.

Not too much. With jpeg files, as images are already demosaiced, you cannot calibrates your frames with biases and darks.
So, convert your jpeg to FITS files, then align them and stack them.
But you already lost a lot of information with your jpg files:

  • jpeg format is in 8bit, it is not enough for astronomic images.
  • jpeg format is compressed