Recall being a dependency for file explorer in the latest Win11 update....

Obviously things like this are why many people here are using Linux OS… I was just curious what people think about this esp as it relates to how we control access to information now that is potentially getting scraped in ways we didn’t think even think of…

Anyway just curious…

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Recall - no matter if mandatory or not - brings us even more user. And we should thank Valve for making linux gaming more viable.


Seems the update with recall is out. Good luck and godspeed to all you windows users:


I think I read that this reverts to the old file explorer which I really don’t care about…small price to pay to disable that but we are really in for some interesting times…

I was watching last night that Krogers grocery chain in the US is experimenting with facial recognition cameras in the store aisles to monitor demand and demographics as people purchase their groceries to create targeted advertising and also to dynamically adjust pricing up to and perhaps including surge pricing like what Uber does during busy times… they say not and that it is just a means to cut the cost of labour to change pricing which they say will save consumers but given the grocery gouging these days I don’t expect them to be passing on savings and I really hope this doesn’t catch on…its really creepy… It makes me want to go and live off the grid