Registration appears to succeed, all but first image is totally black

I’m having an issue where when I look through the output sequence from registration, all but the first image in the sequence is totally black, 0% across the whole image and with AutoStretch enabled (so they’re definitely black, not just too dark to see). The first image looks totally correct. According to the log and looking through the registration data, every seems fine and it looks like the offsets computed are correct - it’s just that the r_ images are all black.

If I try to stack the data, I get MAD is null. Statistics cannot be computed. errors - I assume because most of the images are just 0s.

It looks like I get this problem whenever I import frames from a .ser file - when importing a bunch of individual fits files everything works correctly. I noticed that the .ser files I have recorded are (accidentally) in RAW8 format, maybe that is related?

  • Siril version 1.2.1 9e64065, Windows 10
  • Ogma AP26CC
  • Data captured with SharpCap

Log file

Hello, I don’t quite understand the problem, your log shows images have stars and register correctly, so they are not black. Did you exclude some images manually? because they were black? Maybe you are still trying to stack them?

Can you share your SER file and explain exactly which operations you perform on it?

I have the same problem. While registration works fine and images are aligned, only the first one is converted properly. All consecutive images are black with white dots for the most bright stars.
As iondune has suggested the issue is triggered by using 8 bit source images. In my case they were in-camera JPEGs. Converting them to 16 bit TIFFs solves the problem: same sequence of actions yields properly registered stack.