If you decide to translate your filters in several languages, then use #@gui_xx rather than #@gui to declare your filters, where xx is the 2-char string of the locale (e.g. fr or en).
It is then simple to link each of this filter with a different command, where you can set a $_locale variable that can be used in the main filter code afterwards.
Something like this:
Imported commands from other *.gmic files don’t have their #@cli, #@gui, etc., tags acknowledged. Would be convenient if we could have all of the commands behave the same way regardless of their location.
I brought this up before regarding the GUI plugin not picking the commands on update. But the same is true for the CLI.
E.g., help info only comes from update*.gmic and user.gmic. In order for it to work, I would have to copy over my custom command to user.gmic. It is bothersome because I prefer certain commands to reside in other files.
Inpaint [Multi-Scale] doesn’t refresh the preview when I change a parameter. A workaround is to select another filter and then re-select it to commit changes.
Strange. I am using GIMP 2.10.10 (from Partha) with G’MIC 2.7.3. I tried it numerous times and it turned out that way. Then tried Blur [Gaussian] on the original layer to see if the same was true for it: nope.
Other things to note is that my input float TIF has values less than 0 and greater than 1, and that I painted an area red and then selected father around it. Even without negative values I get this
I have a new command (pink_new) in my community file. gmic h pink_new don’t show the help text, still renaming pink_new to let’s say pinknew it prints the help text. Anything with underscore in comments?
Hmm, very strange. I thought that it might correspond with @afre remarks. I am using either 2.7.2 or 2.7.3 from yesterday on Mac.
If I recompile my community file, it works too:
gmic m karst…gmic h pink_new
What can I try?
It seems to depend on the input of the update file! I f I change there the line
#@cli pink_new : to #@cli pinknew :
alone, help works, of course with gmic h pinknew!
I have now tried most of my community commands help.
I cannot understand why some don’t list the comments and others do, no recognizable rule for me.
All commands are printing help if I recompile my file with -command!
Ah, that’s the www. prefix that is not recognized anymore by the site server. I’m not sure why they changed that (and if this is a permanent change), it’s a bit weird.
Anyway, I’ll remove it everywhere I used it before.
Yeah, it seems that I have been reporting URLs for a while around here. Guess they change just as people change. Please change the community links as well. Thanks!