Replicating Fujifilm JPG colors from raw files?

Hi, I mostly agree with what @paperdigits has said :

  • Replicating the look won’t be a 2 clic process as in camera processing is a far more complex than that.
  • the only way to get the OOC look easily is using a software with commercial ties to fujifilm and access to that processing recipe.
  • looking at the OOC jpeg is a good reference point but processing it to your own taste and exploring what the raw offers your seems more valuable to me :slight_smile:

That said replicating the fujifilm look is quite possible and have already been a challenge on this forum ( [PlayRaw] Something different: Match the JPG! - #12 by clind XMP attached in the post ) but as already mentioned : trying to replicate the OOC look each time as your raw processing starting point will be time consuming and do not seem to me to be a good strategy …

I tried replicating the OOC to a satisfactory result without having too much sliders fiddling but in the end I had to just a bit … on this particular image i find the camera processing underwhelming and I think the raw have much more potential.

DSCF5240.RAF.xmp (18.4 KB)

Apart from basic exposure (1slider) and sigmoid (1 slider) and the haze removal (to add general constrast - 1clic) the main leverage comes from color balance RGB and color zones and a tad from contrast equlizer.

I guess the approach taken by @bastibe can yield better results on a systematic / bulk approach

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