Reproducing a specific style

Nearly 20 years ago I transfered photos to a specific style:

Now I try to reproduce this style as close as possible, but I can’t remember how I create this style. After reading a lot of stuff I guess it was a combination of converting into b&w, blur and noise.

g’mic => Artistic => Stylize => custom doesn’t come close enough.

g’mic => Black & White => Threshold Etch is really close, but there is no option to alter the angle of the lines.

So I have to ask for Ideas to get the result I seek. First photo I like to transfer would be:

Hmm, I think I have a idea on how to reproduce this style.

  1. Convert to grayscale
  2. Apply high contrast
  3. With a new layer call ‘rain layer’ with just pure B&W, apply the differencs

Too occupied to make a script.

Equalized the pixel sizes, then, in the GIMP, went G’MIC>Artistic>Sketch:

Main point above is the starting angle of 135 degs and angle range of 0 deg.

A few more adjustments back in the GIMP to make it more like the G’MIC preview (didn’t quite get there):

Pardon the fat white wavy line, grump.

Oops I messed up a selection before G’MIC, second go -ignore previous:

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Thanks, that’s close enough and I guess, I get what I want with playing around with some adjustments :slight_smile:

Good to hear. I found the Opacity and Density helpful. I turned off the Curve checkbox, and turned on the Broad check box. didn’t play with the others much. Good luck!

My approach would be make luminosity masks and perform sketch or another filter differently for each masked tonal range. For defined edges, you would need create two layers where you clone past the edge from either side to get the pattern and then use the hard mask edge to recover the edge. Maybe make the edge a little fuzzier at certain places so that you can get the effect in your sample, where certain lines overtake the edge.

G’MIC has lots of tools. Try the stylize filter to see if you get better results than sketch.

Many ways to reticulate. I dupped and set top layer to screen and dupped the screen layer a few more times to brighten up, then feed result into newsprint (under distort in GIMP) using line setting. Then I fed that result into G’MIC’s Stamp with large grain setting. Still not quite the result you may want, though. :slight_smile:

I almost got it but still not quite.
Turned the photo into greyscale and added a black layer.
On that layer I made rain and snow, inverted the colour then overlayed that layer onto the original

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You can also at Gimp Gegl Graph

The parameters can be changed

GEGL Operation => Old Photo filter

Colors → Desaturate → Color to Gray.

I couldn’t get the Luminosity Masks to show in GIMP 2.10.38, although they were available in the appimage version of GIMP 2.10.36.

@Ofnuts @rich2005
Any ideas regarding @bminney’s issue? I have been away from GIMP for some time.

No luminosity masks ? It can happen using an updated linux and a python luminosity mask plugin such as Ofnuts version. Python 2.7 deprecated so no python plugins working. A flatpack Gimp 2.10 should be ok and there are ways-n-means with appimages.

Not using gmic, I made my own"rain"
But it might go like this:
Desaturate the image
Add a “rain” layer black-on-white in “burn” mode
New from Visible and apply Threshold.