Resolutions for 2024?


Canom 5dmkiv & 90d, 30 & 32mpx.
Also using 1920x1200 on each monitor. Have two.


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Are they STILL putting that old joke in your new Christmas crackers, or did you just buy them in bulk back in the 90’s? :wink:


Not sure I can put it as a resolution. Rather - desires - at least in photographic sense.

  • catch up with my editing - I am too much far behind. There are still photos from 2023 that I have to attend to.
  • carry a camera (other than the phone) more often. It is like - way too often when it is not with me I am looking for it. And once I take the picture with the phone - it is never attended to - just disappears into oblivion.
  • take a bit more time before pressing the button. Kind of - change from “press the button and think later” to “think first then press the button (if I really want to)”

In the 90s it was only 16 kilopixels


@chaimav You beat me to it. Then again, I have been in read-only mode lately.

@everyone Happy New Year! In our corner of the internet, may you find peace in troubled times.


I use the word “goals”, because New Year’s resolutions are famous for not being kept. :wink: And I write them down because of how good I am at forgetting them…

Major goals for 2024:

  • plan and shoot large pano for print
  • select and do a workshop or expedition
  • shoot at least one waterfall
  • for shits and giggles, choose a painter and try to emulate the style of their work in shooting and editing
  • shoot a minimum of 10 new locations
  • Edit: this year, don’t completely miss fall!

If I actually manage to get all this done, it will easily be the best year of photography I’ve had.


Oooh I loved a GB Camera! I was in London in 1998 and it was the time of Gameboy Color and Pocket editions. This camera has been seen as a great pair with GB printer. Looks funny now, but when I look back it was so nice what they tried to achieve.

Bob Ross, maybe? :stuck_out_tongue:

In your world, just be happy!



Actually, likely one of “the Group of Seven” since they did a lot of their landscape work in areas only a few hours’ drive from where I live.

In some cases, the editing would have to be pretty extreme. It might get some people upset over on RPF :rofl:. This is the goal I am most likely to miss.

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Looking forward to it!

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Can this be done automatically to some extend or does it mean completely paint a picture on top of the photography?

I’d be interested to see something like this too.

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Better pick up a three-piece suit if you want to join those guys.

Why does the photo of Arthur Lismer evoke Dick Cavett to me? :smiley:


I decided to take at least one photo every day of the year. There are no locked topics, so the pictures can be anything. My intention is to develop in taking and post-processing photos with this 366/2024 project.

I have done this once in 2017, so I hope I can complete it successfully also this year. :slight_smile:


I expect it’s going to require careful control of what is in or out of focus for starters. If it would involve completely painting a picture on top of the photography, I’d tap out. I’m not trying to become a painter, just trying to evoke the feel of someone’s paintings and probably leaning hard on creating “painterly” images. This is not a well conceived project at this point, just something that has been bouncing around the cavernous empty parts of my head.


I’m making good on mine so far. I decided on a short but tough one today — I climbed up a very steep and muddy hill. Until, that is, my leg muscles gave out on me. I had to basically crawl the last quarter of it because my quads just turned to jelly. I took my camera, but no photos this time — I was far to worried I was going to have a heart attack (to say I was out of breath would be an understatment). :laughing:

Never mind; it’s early days, yet — I’ll get fitter and stronger the more I stick at it. And hopefully it will all pay off as planned.


To top it all off, I fell out of bed the morning after — and my legs were still hammered, so I couldn’t get up! I thought the excersise would help me live a bit longer, not try to kill me immediately! :laughing:


Get into it gradually, there’s no point in injuring or killing yourself in the name of developing healthy habits.


lol, I’m still processing photos from April 2022


Hiking is a great activity. Just start it gradually, light terrain and short distances (<5km), then take a break for a few days, and keep increasing the distance and the difficulty. I find the Rother guides great for Europe.

My photography goal for 2024 is to focus on capturing, not post-processing. Specifically.

  1. I should pay attention to light and composition when I press the shutter, not try to fix things in post-processing,
  2. I should take fewer photos of a single subject, as having 20 photos of each bird does not add anything, just makes culling more tiresome,
  3. I should ruthlessly delete photos which are not interesting, instead of trying to save them with post-processing.

My lifestyle goal for 2024 is not to snack between meals. I had some vague stomach complaints and after seeing a gastro doctor I was told that constant grazing disrupts my digestive process, specifically the migrating motor complex (the stuff that is happening when your stomach rumbles). I find this hard as I love to snack, but the improvement was immediate so I will keep it up.


Resolutions for 2024, let me think …

Well, let’s nitpick first: technically resolution is about density and not overall count. And yes, I am aware that common language has diluted that meaning and everyone uses it for both meanings, including me.

Given that, my resolution will not be 20 megapixels but rather:

  • around 2380ppcm in my main camera
  • 300dpi for the printshop workers that have no clue
  • 90 to 120 ppi on my screens
  • unknown but nice resolution on my phone

other than that: finish university, renovate some stuff in the house, find a nice new job, convert photography into a paid hobby, … so, more of a todo list than some actual resolutions even if the year will have a rather high density of activities. Pun intended.