Resynthesizer plug-in [solved]


how do I use the resynthesizer plug-in properly? It’s under Filters > Map > Resynthesize…


The canonical tutorial:

Thanks. i tried the ‘Heal selection’, but the plug-in crashed:

Screenshot at 2023-04-06 19-22-42

What can I do, then?


P. S.: The resynthesizer plug-in works now, but ‘heal selection’ doesn’t. :frowning: I ran Gimp out of a shell and got:

/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory

If it is a recent linux, Gimp no longer comes with the gimp-python package. Python2 is deprecated Python3 rules. Look in Filters for the Python-Fu entry.

No Python-Fu there ? Then depending on the linux flavour some possibilities.

For example: I use kubuntu 20.04 / Gimp 2.10.34 (from PPA) and have the gimp-python package(s) 'borrowed from earlier linux repos. Some details here: 'Heal Selection' Missing from Gimp on Ubuntu 20.04

Again Debian based, so depends on your distro and I am using kubuntu 22.04 / Gimp 2.10.34 (from PPA) for this, an appimage launcher to start up Gimp and add python support. Release Gimp Launcher with Python2 and MathMap AppImages · TasMania17/Gimp-Appimages-Made-From-Debs · GitHub

Other ways,

Any of the old Gimp 2.10.x appimages-with-plugins come with resynthesizer + heal plugins installed.

There is a bespoke resynthesizer + heal plugins for flatpak Gimp 2.10.x

Pat David has additional video tutorials on YT (where Ofnuts video is) and one of them discussses use of G’MIC’s alternative to the resynthesizer plugin, which is good given the changes in GIMP that remove Python2 support. You loose some functionality because the G’MIC approach works on an entire layer at a time and not on selections in a layer, but it remains quite useful.



now it works after I downloaded & installed the AppImage. Btw, I’m using Ubuntu MATE 22.04 & Gimp 2.10.18.



You should get Gimp 2.10.34 (but the AppImage you have could already be at this version).

As far as default Gimp versions go for Ubuntu, focal (20.04) is 2.10.18 and jammy (22.04) is 2.10.30 neither come with gimp-python.

You can update to (at the moment) to 2.10.34 using this PPA

Again no gimp-python but the Tasmania appimage launcher works.

When it comes to resynth/heal-selection or gmic/Inpaint, I suppose because I have been using resynth for a long time I get better results there. It does very much depend on the image and user preference.

For those on Arch (or other Arch-based distros, such as Manjaro), the Python2 stuff can be installed from the AUR (AUR (en) - python2-gimp).

Here are the notes I left myself when I encountered a similar issue:


  • Python modules have been removed from the official repository package resulting in Python scripts and plug-ins (such as Resynthesizer) being unsupported and the Python-Fu console becoming unavailable


  • pamac install python2-gimp
    (install the Python support modules from the AUR)

Hello everyone,

It looks like this plugin has been ported to GIMP 2.99.X. In short it should be functional in the GIMP 3 version as soon as it is released in the wild:

The porting has been made by “CMYK Student”: who has been doing a lot of very cool stuff lately :slight_smile:

As previously suggested, at present, one can already work with G’MIC as well which has pretty similar filters to get the job done


Excellent! That’s great news going forward!

Yes, indeed; I’ve been following the progress, and CMYK Student has been doing some really great work. :+1:


and thanks to all who responded to my query. Much apprechiated. I have now Gimp 2.10.30.
