RGB Curve.... Bug? DT 3.4

RGB curve … bug?

If I edit the RGB channels individually in the RGB curve, the color mixture changes by creating a handle with ctrl + left mouse. is that normal ?


DSC_8411.NEF (24.5 MB) DSC_8411.NEF.xmp (11.6 KB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

i use DT on Windows 10

This is not Windows specific, just tried it on Linux (Debian buster/10) and see the same shift in colour if creating a point on the curve/line. And it isn’t limited to the red channel.

There is a prerequisite though: This happens when you already made a change in the curve and then create a point on that curve. Creating a point before a change doesn’t create a shift, at least not a visible one.

EDIT: Also visible in latest master (3.5.0+850~g871755abb)

I’m sorry I can’t respond to any of the issues. The puppy is to cute and distracting!



but why should the color change if there is no change to the curve when the handle is set? that doesn’t make sense to me. :thinking:

I thought my confirmation would be seen as: Yep, this is a bug!. If not: You should.

Might be a good idea to file a bug-report on GitHub, I just checked and there isn’t a open (or closed) one about this issue as of yet. I don’t mind doing it but that will be tomorrow at the earliest.

my english is rather bad … google translate … :no_mouth: :sweat_smile:

@Suki2019 Please, add a license to the image.



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Thanks, I love that puppy :heart_eyes: you should make a playraw :smiley:

as requested … there are so many more of those small ones … :blush:

have fun

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Thanks! :smiley: