Riverside Sunset


DT | LuminanceHDR | Gimp2.9 | RT

Who needs proprietry software when there’s quality open-source applications?!

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Hear, Hear! :smiley:

Also, that image is sharp enough to shave with… :slight_smile:

Yeah, the beauty if HDR… :smirk:

Was that the order you used the tools in?

Raw to DT: (Demosaic > VNG4; CA; Denoise Profiled) Then create 3 separate exp. (0,-2,+2) and save as 16-bit tiff.
Luminance HDR: Merge (0,-2,+2) exposures. Save as Muntiuk & Fattal (or pos Durand).
Gimp: Merge Mantiuk (Multiply) over Fattal as layers. Check with auto levels, appy as req.
RT: Check Auto Exp, or use Tone Curves; Adj CC & CL Lab; Wavelets: Edge Performance, Contrast, Edge Sharpness, check Chroma & Final Contrast Balance and save as tiff.

Check with XNView, and if req, back to Gimp or GEGL Unsharp Mask.

Finish with DT for Shadows & Highlights & Waterwark in DT as tiff.
Convert to jpg and lo-res jpg in XNConvert.

Probably not the cleanest workflow, but for the moment it works. But I really need to play a bit more to see if I can finetune this.

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Interesting. RawTherapee’s wavelets tools has me using it a lot more. I generally only use the heal tool and masking in GIMP now. If I want masking for the raw file, I’ll use DarkTable.