Roses are red, but my lens was not new

I was hoping that somebody who is more skilled than I
would have brought up a discussion about out-of-gamut,
color profile, and other nasty things.

What would be the best way to check/measure/tell whether
a certain image falls within the boundaries of a certain profile,
like sRGB? And what to do if it does not?

At the bottom of this page there is another red rose
to play with: Examples of various wide-gamut images

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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Yes, Red is difficult to process!
My meager try using Fuji X Provia LUT

DSCF0259_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14.5 KB)

edit: just noticed strong banding in the blurred blossom :frowning:
edit2: this comes from the film simulation

Trying Fuji Superia 100 from HaldCLUT package. This is much better, but less pinkish

DSCF0259_RT-5.jpg.out.pp3 (14.5 KB)


There is a button on the bottom of RawTherapee that does just that

Yes, and we have a similar one in darktable as well,
but I thought of a plot into something like this:

Hmmm, I tried, well may be not well enough. The use of a profile made for a different camera is a bit of a hack, but not a horrible one as my rendition shows.

A reminder that you should post HD rez images and the sidecar. We don’t need 30MB jpgs. We store this information indefinitely.


Another take, focused on color and details.
DSCF0259-2 resized.jpg.out.pp3 (26.2 KB)


I downloaded the raw and opened it with the Neutral profile in RawTherapee. In the petals lots of greens are zero, indicating gamut-clipping. Reducing Saturation fixed that.

Filmic v5
DSCF0259.RAF.xmp (9.5 KB)


Definitely not true to life, but I like the tonality.

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I really need to pony up and get a device to calibrate my screen. For sure I just went for a pleasing “red” on my screen knowing for sure it was not “real” but real would require some screen and camera calibration :slight_smile:

But that wouldn’t necessarily have helped with this image. The whole problem is that my camera does a lousy job capturing these reds.

I think your camera is doing okay, but extra attention is required to not crush the reds in getting to rendition colorspace. The numerous submissions here show that…

@chaimav Did you shoot a .JPG at the same time?
How did that turn out?

Do you have Fuji’s X Raw Studio installed?
If so, just run your RAF through the converter, to see
what recipe works the best for the red rose.
If not: you can do the same in-camera, see Raw Conversion in the manual.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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This is so true…using the gamut compression slider or say the vibrance slider in CB to back off the red or play with it you can easily get a range of percieved color ranging from a light pinkish one when desaturated to a more orange or deep red … The combination of exposure and saturation make a big impact so keeping that in mind when shooting might leave a little more room/flexibility in post

I shoot RAW + jpg, but generally don’t use the SOOC pics. I’ve played around with X Raw Studio, but I generally stick to RawTherapee.

So, how did that .jpg turn out?

Fuji is known to have very good SOOC JPGs
and you can’t imagine how many Fuji recipes
that are available — at the latest count we have 867.
Do you want me to send you the lot?

My philosophy is quite simple:
Use Fuji SOOC as long as they are better than my RAF conversions.
When my RAF conversions are better than the SOOCs, then I have succeeded.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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Dumb question …if you have the Fuji raw and extract the embedded JPG is it a default one or is it what you get with all camera settings and a match for a JPG shot paired with the raw… I would guess yes but just curious. I guess default would still be some combination of in camera settings so likely this is not a dumb question but a really dumb one

Embedded jpg from Fuji has all the film simulations and camera settings.

Thanks for making me less dumb :slight_smile: