RT 5.11 stability

I wanted to install 5.11 for the lossless compressed RAW support, which it does and is great! Using it on Windows 10, same environment where all previous versions were quite stable.

However, I’m experiencing far more crashes than with any version I’ve tried before.

So far I haven’t figured out any clear pattern to the crashes. I’ve had crashes on trying to save a file, or simply by activating certain modules while editing. Just now it keeps crashing on me when I activate Haze Removal on a certain image (which I can’t share for reasons). None of it appears to be reproducible with other images though, or even with different options using the same image. Sometimes, I can e.g. save a PNG, but trying to save a JPG with the exact same settings always results in a crash.

In all, I definitely want to keep using 5.11 for the lossless compressed RAW support, but the version isn’t very stable for me.

I’ve never had 5.10 crash on me but 5.11 crashed on me a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the multiple steps involved but I’m pretty sure it happened in the selective editing tab after adding a few spots and trying to add a second tool to one of them. This is on an old (4th generation, 4 real cores) i5 with 16 GB memory that otherwise is rock solid.


Can you get a backtrace of your crash?


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I guess I should give back to the project by filing a proper report. Read the how-to, but I don’t have that rawtherapee-debug.exe file in my 5.11 folder. Is there an alternative way to obtain this exe for Windows?

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You can find a debug build (RawTherapee_5.11_win64_debug.zip) here:

Just use the rawtherapee.exe.

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I’m also on “vintage” hardware. on the opposite end of the haswell catalog though haha, a 14c\28t Xeon E5-2697v3, 128GB ram, Win10, pre-compiled code currently, although i’ve had to self-compile a LOT of software for these old workstations, as they’re quite a few generations removed from what most people would code or compile for.

All that said, I haven’t had a single issue with 5.11 crashing. When I do have issues with software, I turn on logging to a .txt file, or verbose mode output, that will give you a lot of useful info.

I would suggest building the software from source, specifically for your architecture, you’ll find there’s typically quite a performance bump, and it’s solved many problems I had with software that’s maintained and updated frequently. It’s easy to forget that some of us are using non-typical hardware :slight_smile:

Thanks. Sounds like a good suggestion but I think the real answer is to stop being cheap and get a new computer…

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This is a very first world suggestion, and even in the first world, isn’t possible for everyone. What if you try and say something constructive next time?

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Was it a suggestion? I think he was talking about himself with regard to getting new hardware.

By contrast, the suggestion to “just build the software from source” is ableist at best, typical FOSS-brained arrogance at worst. Most people simply cannot do that.

Just my 2 cents.

It still applies to them :wink:

Sorry to offend. I was really talking about myself, a 73 year old who hasn’t compiled a program since sometime in the 1990s and who CAN afford to replace this old but beloved computer and probably will do so sometime in 2025. Building software from source today would require that I acquire a whole new set of programming skills that otherwise are grossly out of date. If I needed something to challenge my mind I would do that, but at the moment I have more projects than I have energy and health to complete, so that won’t happen. Your point about first world problems is a real one and a challenge for the open source community precisely because there are so many potential users like me out there but who don’t have the financial resources that I have. How can we make open source something that everyone can use, not just folks with modern programming experience and recent equipment? Documentation is another discussion and always a challenging one, but not right now.


Hi, just in regards to a E5-2697 v3 processor. That is a powerful processor and I doubt there are newer instruction sets that this CPU does not support that are required these days.

I can’t see how you’d need to recompile software for it. It sounds like the 5.11 just isn’t as stable as the 5.10?

Saying this as someone who doesn’t use the software at all but is offering advice anyway. :grimacing: So, take this for what it’s worth–nothing.

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For the problem mentioned with Contrast by detail levels, Dehaze and Selective Editing (Exposure compensation f), I propose a simple solution briefly explained in issue.
It is enough (by checking what I have done) to integrate it into a current or future change.


@Lawrence37 has just created a Pull-Request - from the change I mentioned. This should solve this problem
Pull request


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Sorry for the delayed reply, ive had very limited time at the office the past few weeks! If this was somewhere like reddit or other social media platforms, i wouldnt suggest to a generic user that self compiling would help, but this is a much more technical/code focused community, or it seems that way at least.

I would also like to say compiling code on a retail/mainstream machine (apple/windows) is a totally different experience than it was even 5 years ago, ill have to check out the documentation provided on rawpedia, if its pretty sparse, or if i see a large performance delta between using clang and something like intel oneAPI, i may document from scratch how to create a build on windows 10. Im sure a lot of people are more than capable, technically… i would never fault them for avoiding compiling if they did it in the past and struggled though, its really only felt accessible to the average person quite recently.

I definitely agree, theyre a very potent chunk of silicon! I think ive got a few weeks where ill be around the office more, and have been itching to play with some different compilers/flags. When i was doing encryption/decryption/encoding on this rig, a few years back, the intel oneAPI compiler with flags for haswell, and the nvidia specific plugin set for the 1080ti, really helped a ton. With some processes being offloaded/utilizing the GPU now (likely more help on GIMP than RAWtherapee, but im curious to see for myself) may be a very useful improvement, especially for older systems. Will certainly update on here if i see performance gains.