RT doesn't remember zoom level changing image

Hi all!
Today I installed RT version 5.4-93, on linux.
I noted that now RT doesn’t remember the zoom level when I change image: if the image is displayed at zoom level 1:1 (100%) and I change image, the new image is displayed whole fitted to the screen, not 1:1.
The previous version that I had installed (5.0r1) behave differently (it DOES remember the zoom level when changing image).
Is it a bug or is it changed? (I prefer 5.0 behaviour :slight_smile: )


RawTherapee remembers the zoom % and pan offset if the images have the same dimensions. If an image has cropping enabled, then “Preferences > Image Processing > Crop Editing > Automatically zoom to fit crop area” needs to be disabled in order to retain zoom and pan.

Please also check this:

…I have used RT for years, and never notice this option (I presume in RT 5.0 it was checked for default, and in 5.4 it’s unchecked)
Thank you!

I think there is a bug…
"Remember zoom and pan offset" is checked, "Automatically zoom to fit the crop area" is unchecked, but RT doesn't mantain zoom 1:1 when I change image, UNLESS the images are NOT cropped. RT 5.0 mantains zoom 1:1 even when the images are cropped, only when the images have different layout (landscape/portrait) RT change zoom .
Am I wrong in something?

@agriggio knows more about the “Automatically zoom to fit the crop area” feature than I do.