RT (partha) error on OS X

Both jpgs opens without any problems on Win 10 RT 4.2.1447

@HIRAM, @Morgan_Hardwood,

There is a bug in cairo (cairo-scaled-fonts.c) that is causing this. I’ll see if there are any fixes for this upstream.

@partha Having trouble with the horizontal file browser scroll bar. https://filebin.net/nlc9zyd5b5o0fb2v/IMG_6006.MOV
It’s not grabbing on to the bar as you can see in the movie. This is with the same OS X gtk3-bugfix numbered 4.2.1445. The vertical one does that intermittently.


Aha, maybe this is related too? Menu selections not grabbing and/or highlighting. https://filebin.net/tqjg8xwy4wtdy4iv/IMG_6024.MOV

@HIRAM I cannot reproduce that. Try again using branch gtk3 commit 88c2520 and file a proper bug report with AboutThisBuild.txt info if you can still reproduce it.

@partha @Morgan_Hardwood I’m not certain that it has been built for OS X yet.?

@HIRAM, @Morgan_Hardwood,

Could you try this build and tell me it’s all working for you?


Thanks! Partha

PS: Your jpeg that you posted before will still crash since I am still using my existing cairo build.

Seems to work, triangles disappeared again.
Similar behaviors on the scroll bars and menu selections.

@partha one other thing your build is doing is making me type the file extension (i.e. .jpg) in the file save window filename field, whereas previous master builds automagically took care of that. It seems to be adding the correct suffix to the saved file, but displaying still the old extensions, so if I let it do its own thing I get things like IMG_0001.CR2.jpg and sometimes IMG_0001…jpg

Not to belabor the issues with the interface I am having, but you might find this interesting. When I start the program, an erroneous secondary thumb tab shows up in the images browser horizontal scroll bar. Attempting to interact with it does nothing.


Aha, so that’s related as well.


I’ve seen on your sceenshot, that the tab labels are not aligned. In Windows it looks perfekt, I made some changes to the theme. Can you (or anyone else on OSX) test it, and post a screenshot, please? Thanks
TWB-Test1-GTK3-20_.txt (41,7 KB)

  1. Download TWB-Test1-GTK3-20_.txt
  2. Rename the file extension .txt into .css
  3. Move it into the theme folder
  4. Run RT, open Preferences and select “TWB-Test1”
  5. Click OK and restart RT

It should look like this:

Done, looking better:


Thanks for the help.

I found another issue on OS X. The curves should have a dark background.
Can you test this theme, please?
TWB-Test2-GTK3-20_.txt (41,6 KB)
It should look like this:

1 Like

Mixed results… both test1 and test2 do this.


Thanks, looks like I can’t fix this in theme for now.

Thanks @TooWaBoo for your great work. In case it is interesting, the first curve background is dark until you load an image into the editor window. Just as the image displays, the first curve goes back to the lighter grey.


There are some Gtk bugs with the curves and I think this belongs to them.
Thanks for the help. If you’ll find some strange things with the theme, let me know, please.