RT rate raw+jpg at same time

Hello folks,
I usually shoot in RAW+ JPG mode. Especially when sorting out photos, it is very time-consuming to delete the JPG that belongs to the RAW. That’s why I’m looking for a solution in RT to simultaneously rate the JPG that belongs to the RAW when rating the photos (i.e. automatically) and then delete all photos with, for example, a star. Is there a solution?
I am thankful for hints,


I have wondered the same thing - has anyone got a suggestion for @Fred2?

My suggestion is to “rate” the captures outside of RT.

Two apps spring to mind for culling/comparing, both free, namely XnView MP or FastStone Viewer. Each offers comparison up to four images simultaneously and each offers tagging. No doubt there are others …

View files in name order so the raw is next to the JPEG.

Tag the undesirables.

Use the “select all tagged” function.


What you seek is not really appropriate in RT …

I don’t think it’s possible to do it in Rawtherapee. Faststone Image Viewer and Digikam can group jpgs and raw images which makes rating and culling easier.
I use Faststone Image Viewer to cull but I don’t use it’s ratings feature, I use it’s Tagging feature to Tag keepers then delete untagged images. I find it quicker than Digikam but that’s probably because of familiarity. I’ve used it for years.

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