save command fails every time in both scripts and on the command line

I am a new Siril user and have tried processing my files with the built in scripts. Each time I run a script, it fails at the save command. On the command line i have tried save, savetif result.tif and savejpg result,jpg and all meet with the same error. These are the last few entries of the log:

19:13:32: #That’s a workaround here to save result in another place.
19:13:32: #These lines are not mandatory
19:13:32: #load image in memoryload
19:13:32: #and save it at root
19:13:32: Running command: cd
19:13:32: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to '/home/davecooper1965/Documents/Siril’
19:13:32: Running command: save
19:13:32: Error in line 34. Exiting batch processing

I am running the Linux version 0.9.10. Does anyone know why the save command (in fact any variant of the save command) fails?

Many thanks,

0.9.10 is too old and not supported anymore.
You should download the last version please.

I just did “sudo apt install siril” and that is the version I got.

I guess I will need to manually download and install the latest star version.


Dave Cooper

Mobile: 07949135581

You can download the AppImage on the website.

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Are you using a Mac? If so, you need to authorize siril, I’m not sure how but search on the forum or the Web you’ll find something. You can also get more error message by starting siril from a terminal.

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I am using the Linux partition on a Google Pixel Go.


Dave Cooper

Mobile: 07949135581