Saving images problem

I am a newbie with PT so still learning.
Difficulty saving. Frustrating session yesterday trying to save (JPEG 8 bit). Always got a message saying File Saving Error"
Today - initial few images, no problem, then suddenly back to “File saving error”
Also ocasionally get a Windows Defender message saying a threat. WD has stopped Rawtherapee making changes.
Is this related??

Hi and welcome!

You only need to start one topic for your issue. I’ve removed the other topic.

You should start by disabling windows defender or telling it that RawTherapee is OK to run.

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It sounds like it. I’d suggest exactly the same as @paperdigits; it seems Windows Defender is blocking RawTherapee’s write access.

Sounds like you have Controlled Folder Access enabled in the Windows Security app. You can try giving permission to RawTherapee in Controlled Folder Access or disabling CFA altogether just to test if that fixes the problem.

by saving in a different folder then?
If so, I recommend to check the rights for saving to this folder. If not, you may want to check your hardware.

Did you try an export (may be to gimp) and save from this software?



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