Scripts failed when trying to stack C2022 E3 ZTF.


What went wrong here?

“12:27:36: Conversion succeeded, 92 file(s) created for 92 input file(s) (92 image(s) converted, 0 failed)
12:27:36: Running command: cd
12:27:36: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘E:\d i g i t a l k a m e r a\Astronomi\C2022 E3 (ZTF)\process’
12:27:36: # Pre-process Light Frames
12:27:36: Running command: preprocess
12:27:39: Reading FITS: file dark_stacked, 1 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:39: Preprocessing…
12:27:39: Preprocessing: with the current memory and thread limits, up to 6 thread(s) can be used
12:27:39: 112205 corrected pixels (0 + 112205)
12:27:39: Preprocessing: processing…
12:27:40: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:40: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:40: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:40: Filter Pattern: RGGB
12:27:40: Filter Pattern: RGGB
12:27:40: Filter Pattern: RGGB
12:27:40: Reading FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:40: Images must have same dimensions.
12:27:57: Saving FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:57: Saving FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:27:58: Saving FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:28:14: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:28:14: Filter Pattern: RGGB
12:28:16: Reading FITS: file, 1 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:28:16: Saving FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:28:16: Filter Pattern: RGGB
12:28:18: Saving FITS: file, 3 layer(s), 6032x4032 pixels
12:28:18: Sequence processing failed.
12:28:18: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘E:\d i g i t a l k a m e r a\Astronomi\C2022 E3 (ZTF)’
12:28:18: Script execution failed.”

I use the script “without flats” since i just have darks and biases and lights.


The problem is, 3 layer(s). It’s supposed to be 1, like, 1 layer(s). This image at least doesn’t belong with the others.

And the reason is given in the log:
12:27:40: Images must have same dimensions.

Thank you for your answer, i am a begginer at this so could you please tell me how to remove this one that doesn’t fit the others. :smile:
My wild guess is that it is the first photo in the lights drawer?! But i can’t see any difference between the first and the seccond one…


Thanks, as you can see in my answer to vinvin i am a beginner at this so i don’t understand much from the logfile. But in time i will learn that to i hope.

My bet you have jpg files mixed with raw data

No, but i do have 2 autosaaves tif files in lights and master files in tif format in biases and darks folders. Maybe thoose are from my first try with DSS?! … if so shall i remove everything that Siril has made as well and the process drawer and start over?

As a beginner you should browse our tutorials. They explain everything to start.

Men doesn’t read manuals :slight_smile: Yes i know i should but i hate to read.

The “problem” seems to be solved when i removed all thoose files i mentioned. So …