Seagull in flight

I want to see what others can do to this picture of the Seagull i took in Mallorca.

This is what i have done in Darktable.

Darktable 3.8.1

20220602_184226_2029.nef (20.5 MB)
20220602_184226_2029.nef.xmp (12.0 KB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


That’s a nice bird and a good hit with the camera

20220602_184226_2029.nef.xmp (9.5 KB)

That is a nice perspective but at the same time focuses on the cloaca more than is comfortable. :poop::open_umbrella: Perhaps some literal headroom is in order, which would give the bird somewhere to reach and would show some of the cloud cover.

Thank you for sharing this image, and to all the others who share their raw images. It gives me the opportunity to experiment with various techniques and, hopefully, learn!

In GIMP I used auto-stretch HSV then made minor local adjustments to brightness and contrast.

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Thanks for posting.

20220602_184226_2029.nef.xmp (9.4 KB)


My version…

20220602_184226_2029_01.nef.xmp (21.3 KB)