There are 2 portions to the truck. The engine & cabin for the crew and the back of the truck. There’s a physical gap between the the engine + cabin and the back of the firetruck. That gap is where the overlap is. About 20% of the images are overlapped.
But! There’s always a but.
I took the pano handheld. It’s not perfect. This means that hugin prefers the second image (image 1) for the stitching between image 0 and 1 and it’s not perfect, there a “crink” in the roof the firetruck at the stitch.
That’s why I was wondering if I could select image 0 to have priority for some control points and image 1 for priority for other control points.
I don’t know if this technique is consistent, but I just had the same problem. I loaded the two images in the opposite order, and I got a different result. hugin seems to prioritize image 0 over image 1.