Selective Editing - Local Adjustments - Global mode added in Spot method

For several weeks (months) a Pull-Request has been open to add a mode to “Spot method”.
Until now there were 3 modes

  • Normal spot : the default mode, which allows local retouching using deltaE and transition concepts;
  • Excluding spot : to cancel an action
  • Full image : allows you to work on the whole image similar to the rest of RawTherapee, with the added advantage of being able to use the ΔE function for more precise adjustments.

This Pull Request adds a “Global” mode, which is similar to “Full image”, but automatically hides the deltaE, transitions and GUI required for these functions.

What was missing was a rigorous management of “Preview deltaE”, to facilitate use in the first 3 modes.
@Lawrence37 has just adapted the GUI code, thanks to him, making it possible to merge this PR.

Of course you can change the default Spot method by going to Preferences > General > Define Spot method for Local adjustments.
And of course you can create several instances of “Global” or mix the 4 types of Spots, as well as incorporating into each Spot the number and type of tools you want : Color and Light, Tone-mapping, Wavelets, Color Appearance, etc.

Pull request

Executable laspotmain

I’m going to merge this Pull Request probably in the middle of this week.



Bonjour Jacques, is it normal for the Preview deltaE button to be visible also in the Global mode? I also notice that the Local Editing tab has been moved in the interface. I don’t know what the other users think, but I find this rather disconcerting. If you would like it to be more prominent perhaps placing it just before the Advanced tab instead of afterwards would be better?

For me, no problem to change the place and put it back where it was. The placement in this bar follows what logic? I understood that it was according to the “frequency” of use…Because of the “Global” mode, we can think that we will use it more than before. But for me it doesn’t matter. I put it back as before.

Normally the “preview delta E” button does not appear in Global mode. Can you tell me in which case this appears?

Thank you


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As discussed by PM, it only occurs when the Local Editing power button is off. I should have checked that.

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I just ‘merged’ the “laspotmain” branch into Dev.
You now have 4 methods (Spot method) to use “Selective editing”

  • Normal spot : uses recursive data, on part of the image.
  • Excluding spot : reinitializes all local adjustment (selective editing) data, on part of the image. Can be used to totally or partially cancel a previous action or to carry out operations in Inverse mode. Use ‘Scope’ (Excluding) to set the exclusion intensity. Tools may or may not be associated with it.
  • Full image : allows you to use the local adjustment (selective editing) tools on the whole image. The RT Spot delimiters are set beyond the image preview boundaries. The transition is set to 100. Note, you may have to reposition the RT Spot slightly and adjust the Spot size to get the desired effect. Please note: using Denoise or Wavelet or FFTW in full-image mode uses large amounts of memory and may cause the application to crash on lower capacity systems.
  • Global: allows you to use the local adjustment (selective editing) tools on the whole image, without using deltaE or transitions. Same remark as above on memory usage.

You can choose the default Spot method in “Preferences”

You can open as many sessions as you want (within system limits).

You can mix the 4 modes.

For each mode, you can work with a single tool, or several (ex Color & Light, Denoise, Log encoding, Dehaze, etc. ), some of these tools have graduated filters (luma, chroma, hue), and mask, etc.

For each of the tools you can choose the level of complexity: basic, standard, advanced.



I’ve just created a Pull-request to make up for an oversight.
The various GF (Graduated Filters) present in “Selective editing” had the “Feather” slider in “Settings”.

Now it’s associated with each GF. As a reminder, the GFs are

  • Color and Light : luma, chroma, hue
  • Vibrance : luma, chroma, hue
  • Dynamic range & exposure : luma
  • Log encoding : luma
  • Common mask : luma
  • Shadows highlight and equalizer : luma
  • Local contrast and wavelet : wavelet local contrast
  • Color appearance (Cam16) : luma
  • Mask only with “Dynamic range & exposure” (in Settings - Mask)

it also allows the use of “feather” in “Global” mode.

it’s just a (simple, but tedious) GUI problem
