Several questions LCP/ DCP

Is there any way to check to see which DCP profiles have been uploaded to RawTherapee?

What’s the difference between the LensFun LCP lens corrections vs. the ones you can download from Adobe?

Speaking of LensFun, I saw my camera lens was supported, but even after updating the LensFun database in Raw Therapee, I still don’t see my lens under the correction tab (Viltrox 16mm / 1.8)

Lastly, there’s an error in the Rawpedia:

I was trying to update the LensFun database, according to these instructions:

“Move these XML files to the Lensfun database folder on your computer, which could be in C:\Program Files\darktable\share\lensfun\version_1.”

I believe it should be: ‘RawTherapee\App\RawTherapee\x64\Share’ instead?

The available DCPs are found in <install_directory>\dcpprofiles. The latest list of DCPs for the development version is available here.

Lensfun profiles and LCPs are two ways of achieving the same thing. Lensfun profiles are included with RawTherapee, so that’s what you should try first. If the profile is missing or does not give satisfactory results for some reason, then you can try finding an Adobe LCP.

The directory for the Lensfun database can vary depending on where you obtained RawTherapee from and what is configured in your options file. For me, it is in <install_directory>\share\lensfun where the install directory is C:\Program Files\RawTherapee\5.8 (I have an older version of RawTherapee on Windows because I don’t use Windows often).

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In addition to what @Lawrence37 said Adobe LCP corrections may depend on focussing distance which RT can’t use resulting in wrong distortion corrections. Lensfun profiles can on the other hand vary a bit quality wise. You should check the results of a profile before deciding to use it.

I have wide angle lcp files from Adobe that produce completely wrong results presumably because distortion is greater at minimum focusing distance and RT seems to pick this correction even for infinity shots where actual distortion is really quite small.

Thanks for the location of the DCP files!

Regarding the LensFun install directory, I had meant that the directory for Lensfun was incorrectly listed in the Rawpedia because it says to check under the Darktable folder

The Lensfun directory is configurable and the default location can be set by whoever distributes the program, so RawPedia is not exactly wrong. It could be better written though.

“The Lensfun directory is configurable and the default location can be set by whoever distributes the program, so RawPedia is not exactly wrong. It could be better written though.” → Oh I see.

I overwrote the existing XML files with the newest ones from 0.3.4. According to the Lensfun page, my camera lens is supported, but it’s not showing up in Raw Therapee. Any idea where I may have screwed up?

I think merely replacing the XML fails.

Depending on your platform, there may be a lensfun-update-data script, I know it exists on Ubuntu. (I may have the exact name wrong, will try and remember to look tonight)

Correct. (As mentioned many times here in the forum.)

It does not exist readily on Windows (which the OP seems to be using). There is a small utility written by @ggbutcher that lets you download those correctly on Windows though (or one can install a full-blown MSYS2 subsystem w/ Python and run lensfun-update-data from there…).

The instructions on Rawpedia say to use a lensfun update script if you’re on Linux but to just copy and paste the XML files if you’re on Windows - so I’m just doing what the website manual explicitly tells me to do.

The manual says: 1.) Shut down Raw Therapee 2.) Download new XML files 3.) Copy and paste XML files in lensfun database.

Thanks for the pointer on the utility! I’ll have to try it out later.

You have to download the right version of the lensfun profiles. If you grab them from got, those are v2 a d rt is likely using v1.