Shipping licenses

Hi :slight_smile:

I’m using rawtherapee-cli.exe for RAW support in my Tonemaster project:

So I ship that exe, including the DLLs it uses.

Now I’m preparing to do the first public binary release of my app, and am trying to comply with the law.

My question:

Is there a reason you don’t ship the licenses and copyright statements of all the DLLs (e.g. libpng, libjpeg, etc)?

Do I have to ship those texts?

I also posted my question here:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


You should read those licences to find out :slight_smile:

We don’t ship the licence for libpng because we don’t ship libpng, only our Windows build includes a binary libpng.dll and the libpng licence makes no mention of having to include the licence if one doesn’t ship the source.

Our licences are here:

If a licence is missing, feel free to open an issue explicitly stating why you think that licence is missing and referencing a specific section of the relevant licence or otherwise binding document which instructs users to include it when shipping the source code or when shipping a binary-only form.

Thank you very much, this was helpful.