Shooting raw with the Google Pixel 6

It seems to work in this case, I just did not like what it did to this image: Darker shadows are too crushed and highlights to harsh in this image (my opinion). This is the main reason I did not use it. This profile does have a nice Base and Look table, makes the colours just a tad warmer and probably more real.

One of the up sides of RawTherapee: Being able to use these external DCP profiles and selectively use the parts that are embedded. If you use darktable you need to create an icc from these dcp profiles if you want to use them, but I have no idea if you get the complete package (which would include the embedded tone curve). @ggbutcher talks about how right here. Never tried this myself, I want the flexibility that the DCP gives me when in RawTherapee.

I don’t have any experience with photographing using a mobile and apps and open camera so maybe I’m just lucky here that this specific Adobe DCP profile, even though it is for this specific mobile phone, works.