Shortcut to Open a Processing Module?

Way back when i used to have a shortcut mapped that would take me directly to the crop/rotate module when I opened an image. It’s been a little while (okay a long while) since I upgraded and I see the shortcut settings have completely changed from the way they used to be, and I can no longer find a way to set a key to active a module. Is this not a thing anymore, or am I just missing a setting somewhere?

See the user manual for details. Enjoy!

The manual describes things as i remember from the old shortcuts UI with each module having an enable shortcut, but in the current version I’m not seeing those, just the specific actions for the module:

In 4.4 leveling is always on for right click dragging. As for the crop it’s pretty easy to map it to a key so maybe single c press for crop and double c press for rotate and perspective maybe as a way to go or whatever works