Shotgun Toolkit Engine for Natron released

Hi Natron community,

I have to admit that I did not know much about Natron until fairly recently. I’m blown away by the fact that such a strong open source alternative exists for compositing.

I am a pipeline and production tools developer and wanted to contribute to the Natron community the best I know. As some of you already know, Shotgun Software is an asset, production management system that allow studios to keep track of their projects. After taking a quick look at the Natron API, I realized it would not be too complex for me to develop the integration with shotgun toolkit. This means, a managed way of working, editing, and publishing your work into Shotgun.

While installing the integration is meant to be done by a technical person, I’ve added as much detailed instructions as possible so people that are roughly familiar with it can give it a try.

I hope this integration sparks the interest of other studios to use Natron, so we can find a way to keep the development going!


  • Diego


That is awesome! Thank you for this.
I just wanted to let you know about a free open source VFX pipeline tool called Prism Pipeline.

Maybe you can help the dev. Prism got Natron integration a few months ago and its working great for me with Blender.

As far as I know, Prism also has integration for Shotgun.