Should preview and histogram clipping indicators agree?

Mostly a curiosity, but I’m curious. :upside_down_face:

OK, I have the highlight clipping indicator enabled:


And I have some specular highlights (wet turtle shell), which trigger the indicator both on the preview…

…and on the histogram’s upper right corner:


(Yeah, I know I have shadow clipping, too, but that’s beside the point.)

So I increase Highlight Precompression in Log Tone Mapping and the histogram HL clip indicator goes away:


But it still shows on the preview:


Shouldn’t they be in sync with each other, basically? Either it’s clipping or it not, right?


Hello, hard to reproduce this, but in some cases, yes, the histogram doesn’t show the colored blocks on the upper right and yes, the highlight indicator shows some overexposed areas. I guess this is a rounding error or something.

It also depends on “Clipping indication” in preferences, I think…

Yes, but (without reading the code, wherever it occurs) I would expect both the clipping indicators and the histogram flags make their “show / no-show” decisions based on the same value(s). Apparently not.

At any rate, no biggie. Just a curiosity.

I don’t remember how the histogram code works right now, but most likely @alvamatik’s explanation is the right one

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