Before the month of June comes to an end, we had to release a new version in order to keep the cruising rhythm started after the release of version 1.0.
I tried to look through the Siril Github repository to see which line of code is used to check the version of Siril but could not find it.
Yes changing the the line “requires 1.1.0” or similar line in any program can cause issues, but in this case changing this line to 1.0.0 temporarily fixed the issue.
I do have two folders I store scripts. The second folder is modified version of the standard scripts. The installer updated my modified version of the OSC script I use. For me this was an unexpected result of running the installer. The second folder was synced with the master branch and not the 1.0.3 branch, but there is no .git folder in my second Siril script folder that would instruct Git to sync with the master branch.
I have the official scripts, but don’t know why the installer synced with the master branch to my second script folder. I don’t want my custom scripts to get updated again. This might be a Gitlab sync issue and not an issue with Siril, but what lines of code in the installer might trigger a Git pull or similar action to sync with the master branch instead of v1.0.3?
Hi, None. There is no pulling scripts though git involved in the installer script (I’m assuming Windows), see there: build/windows/installer/siril64.iss · 1.0 · FA / Siril · GitLab
We just copy the ones present in the branch being built (1.0 for v1.0.3) to C:\Program Files\SiriL\scripts
Thanks for the info. Definitely something I did, but I don’t know what I did. I will rename my modified scripts and rerun the installer to see if it happens again.
Once again thank you for your help.