Siril 1.2.1

We are pleased to announce that Siril 1.2.1 is now available. Many bugs have been fixed compared to the 1.2.0 release last year, and we hope that version 1.2.1 will be as stable as possible. List of known bugs None for the moment, fingers crossed. List of fixed bugs (since 1.2.0) Fixed Anscombe VST noise reduction option for mono images Fixed HEIF import (#1198) Fixed Noise Reduction Anscombe VST bug with mono images (#1200) Fixed problems with Fourier Transform planning > Estimate (#1199) Fixed data initialisation bugs in copyfits() and RGB compositing tool Fixed exported x-column for lightcurves when Julian date is not selected (#1220) Fixed sampling tolerance for astrometry which was incorrectly read (#1231) Allowed for RA/DEC to be sorted in PSF windows (#1214) Added SET-TEMP as valid FITS header to be saved (#1215) Added configurable color for background extraction sample and standard annotations (#1230) Fixed argument parsing error in makepsf (!
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