Siril 1.2.5

Siril 1.2.5 Release Notes

We are happy to announce the release of Siril 1.2.5, which could be the last maintenance update in the 1.2 series before the major 1.4 release. This version focuses on fixing various issues and improving stability across different platforms, particularly on macOS. While being a maintenance release, it brings important stability improvements that will benefit all users, especially our macOS community. These fixes were made possible thanks to our active user community who took the time to report issues and provide detailed feedback. This continuous interaction helps us make Siril more reliable with each release.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Siril 1.2.5 does not start on my computer (German Windows 11/64, enough memory). The icon opens for some seconds in the taskbar but then disappears. I go back to the last release.

Refresh the webpage and download again.

Great, thank you. It works with the new setup.exe!
And Wow! A localized german UI, is this a new feature?
Best Regards!

Der Frust war groĂź nach der Installation von 1.2.5 unter MacOS denn nach der Installation kam bei jeder zweiten Aktion und beim Laden von Files der Beachball des Todes und ich wollte schon auf die 1.2.4 zurĂĽck gehen.
Kurze Rückmeldung, aktuell läuft es und das System brauchte auf einem M1 MBAir mit 16GB einen Neustart des Systems warum auch immer.

Eine Frage, ich würde gerne etwas Spenden für das Projekt leider nutze ich keinen dieser Dienste… gibt es kein reguläres Konto dafür.?

Hello. Thx for the feedback.
We are glad it works now.

Donation through Paypal doesn’t not need PayPal account I believe.

Danke für die Info, das muss ich mir einmal ansehen da ich meine Bankdaten nicht unbedingt an Paypal weitergeben möchte. :scream:

I found the reason for the beachball of death, it’s the mounted drives like my NAS.

If the NAS is mounted via the Finder, the thing spins and waits until the NAS has woken up :crazy_face:

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