Siril, a software for astrophotography on Linux

Here’s a result after correct demosaicing of the raw files, dark/flat frames substraction, registration (stars aligning) and stacking:

The result was saved as 16-bit TIFF image, and then quickly processed in Rawtherapee.

The original author at did a much better job at postrocessing than I did:

Another take at postprocessing in RT, which brings me closer to the author’s version:

So, back to the object of this thread: Siril seems to work great and is IMO good option for the Linux platform.

I am one of the developers of Siril.
If you don’t want to compile, packages exist for some GNU/linux OSes and are available here: Siril:0.9.3 - FreeAstro.
However, we are currently working on the 0.9.4 version which will be released in few weeks (I hope). This version fixes a lot of bugs and brings some new features: Change Log - Old Siril bugs. From now on, use the the gitlab project instead:

We try our best to update tutorial website but sometimes we are late.
For preprocessing, take a look here: Siril:Manual - FreeAstro

Best regards,


@lock042 thanks for your work. I followed the tutorials on your website, but there’s a lot to read! In fact I found that the help bubbles in the program, when moving the mouse cursor over the different option boxes, very helpful.

I’ve gone ahead and added this to the Software page - sorry for the delay!

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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We would also be happy to host a quick tutorial or small write-up if you’d like to put something together? :wink:

OK. I will try, but I need some time

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[quote=“lock042, post:23, topic:1745”]
However, we are currently working on the 0.9.4 version which will be released in few weeks (I hope). This version fixes a lot of bugs and brings some new features: Change Log - Old Siril bugs. From now on, use the the gitlab project instead:
[/quote]Built the new code from trunk. It doesn’t crash anymore which is fantastic. The alignment still doesn’t work for my (untracked wide field) shots. But I can now use the stacking which is awesome. Would be nice if I could directly feed it tiffs though. :slight_smile: So a big thank you from my side too.

Siril use to process untracked wide field in many cases.
You can set property parameters of your star detection in Analysis ->Dynamic PSF


Deep sky images align perfectly with 0.9.3, I haven’t tried wide field yet.

Yesterday I released the 0.9.4beta in the svn braches (siril - Revision 2589: /branches/0.9).
I hope I will find the time to build packages.



oh hi lock042 …!

openSUSE packages are now available in the graphics repository

zypper ar obs://graphics graphics
zypper ref
zypper in siril

Dear @patdavid.
I think you add here the Windows icon (indeed, Siril is working great with Windows now.
Also, here the icon of Siril :



This is awesome, thank you so much for pointing me to it! (I’ll update momentarily and push).

[edit] - Now we’ve got the icon for Siril! Thanks again, @lock042!

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@patdavid : Thank you !!
I did see you’ve changed the icon. But I don’t see the windows icon.
Another thing, I forgot to tell you that our new website is :



Ah, I am not a smart man. Sorry. :slight_smile:

The correct Windows icon is now there, and the website is updated! Thank you!

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@patdavid sorry but the url is not good. You wrote:

HTML is hard!


I apparently didn’t get that far in my book HTML for Dummies. :frowning:

Should be fixed up now :slight_smile: