Hi folks, I had a session using KStars/Ekos using a Fuji X-T2 camera. Now I normally set Ekos to capture DSLR and mirrorless camera data in their native RAW format, but for some reason I’ve never been able to figure, Ekos will occasionally set the format to save in FITS format, even though I have the profile for the cameras set to RAW. I didn’t realized it had done this and captured the session with Ekos saving the files as FITS.
So when I stack the set in Siril, I get error messages that read:
02:19:24: Reading FITS: file light_00031.fit, 1 layer(s), 6000x4000 pixels, 32 bits
02:19:24: No Bayer pattern found in the header file.
02:19:24: Filter Pattern: RGGB
Now I know Siril defaults to RGGB, what is puzzling is not reading the Bayer pattern from the FITS, because when I open one of the FITS file in FITS Liberator, it displays a Bayer pattern as RBGG.
Now when I tried to manually set this pattern in Siril, I don’t have the option to manually set that specific pattern, only one of four patterns, none being RBGG.
So do I not have any choice to make use of this pattern read in FITS Liberator for these files? The entire night’s session is lost if so, as the stack simply comes up improperly de-Bayered. No fault of Siril’s of course, and I’m so ticked off at the fact that Ekos intermittently does this to me and I get caught up in other aspects of a night’s session and not notice it, but inasmuch as I’ve pretty much written this session off, I figured I’d asked here to see if I have any options to save this data.
Thanks for your time.