Siril: frame quality not avaiable for calibrated lights

Dear All,

I’m still quite new in the astrophotography, but I used Siril (1.2.1 AppImage) already for the Moon processing and stacking. It works well with Sum stacking without any calibration. In this workflow (conversion with debayering → registration → plot analysis → stacking) I can see the quality of all frames in the Frame List menu and use that information for stacking.

But when I’m trying to calibrate light frames with master dark and master flat, quality information is not available – all images are at “-1” Quality. Debayering is done at the calibration stage (checkbox next to the Calibrate button). Why is that? I’m still learning and there is much to learn :slight_smile:

The workflow in the second example is:

  • create master bias (average with rejection, no normalisation)
  • create master dark (average with rejection, no normalisation)
  • create master flat with master bias frame (average with rejection, multiplication)
  • calibrate with master dark and master flat
  • register
  • stack (cannot sieve through frames, because no Quality info is available).

Kind regards


Quality information comes from the use of a registration method that measures it, either the pattern matching or Kombat. It’s available only for the channel on which registration was made.