Siril Latest V99.8 Crashes

The new Siril version 99.8 continually crashed for me while attempting to process OSC data that had worked in 99.6. I went back to 99.6 and it works fine as usual.

On the youtube intro to 99.8 it was suggested that I reinstall 99.8 and set the memory ratio to .5 in preferences and try again. I did this and it still crashed. I went back to 99.6 and it works fine as it has in the past.

I think you run on windows?
If you lower the number of core (top of the app)?

I’ve heard of a crash at preprocessing stage indeed. But as I can’t reproduce it is difficult to help.

Yes. PC Windows 10.

DSLR pictures or other camera?

Let me guess: OSC camera with ASIAIR ?


Shot with ASIAIR?


OK. So I got the issue. Need to think how to fix that.

Thank you.

We’ve published the that fix the crash.

It works! Thank you.