Just began with Siril. I created folders: (M13) and sub folders (lights) (darks) (flats) (bias), however I have no bias images because several YouTube vids indicated don’t need to because I’m using a ZWO 071mc. Must I have bias images for the script to work? Also, the tutorial talks about RAW files, but the ASIAIR plus the ASIAIR plus creates FIT fils. Does that mess with the script?do I need to edit the script to enable that to work for me. If so, how? Thx
Hello, welcome to Pixls and Siril!
The scripts provided with Siril can take FITS or RAW files, it doesn’t matter.
If you have flats, you always need bias, or dark-flats (which is basically the same as bias), or synthetic bias (which is simply the offset value added by the camera to images).
If you have dark-flats, put them in the bias directory and you’re fine.
If you want to use synthetic bias, you need to modify the script. Copy it somewhere else, add the ‘somewhere else’ as a new path for scripts in siril preferences, change the name of the master bias to a value expression… More information here and here.
Good luck!
Ok, just shot some bias frames and added them to the sub folders. Ran the script and, of course, it failed. Maybe someone can indicate what may be wrong.
19:20:15: Starting script /Applications/Siril.app/Contents/MacOS/…/Resources/share/siril/scripts/OSC_Preprocessing.ssf
19:20:15: ############################################
19:20:15: #
19:20:15: # Script for Siril 1.2
19:20:15: # February 2023
19:20:15: # (C) Cyril Richard
19:20:15: # Preprocessing v1.3
19:20:15: #
19:20:15: ########### PREPROCESSING SCRIPT ###########
19:20:15: #
19:20:15: # Script for color camera preprocessing
19:20:15: #
19:20:15: # Needs 4 sets of RAW images in the working
19:20:15: # directory, within 4 directories:
19:20:15: # biases/
19:20:15: # flats/
19:20:15: # darks/
19:20:15: # lights/
19:20:15: # Saves masters to ./masters/
19:20:15: #
19:20:15: ############################################
19:20:15: Running command: requires
19:20:15: # Convert Bias Frames to .fit files
19:20:15: Running command: cd
19:20:15: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘/Users/parkwilliams/Desktop/Astrophotography/M13_30/biases’
19:20:15: Running command: convert
19:20:15: Convert: processing 20 files…
19:20:15: Conversion succeeded, 20 file(s) created for 20 input file(s) (20 image(s) converted, 0 failed)
19:20:15: Running command: cd
19:20:15: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘/Users/parkwilliams/Desktop/Astrophotography/M13_30/process’
19:20:15: # Stack Bias Frames to bias_stacked.fit
19:20:15: Running command: stack
19:20:15: Checking sequences in the directory: /Users/parkwilliams/Desktop/Astrophotography/M13_30/process.
19:20:15: Stacking sequence bias_
19:20:15: Processing all images in the sequence (20)
19:20:15: Stacking result will be stored as a 32-bit image
19:20:15: No registration layer passed, ignoring registration data!
19:20:15: Opening image 13 failed
19:20:15: Stacking failed.
19:20:15: Stacking failed, please check the log to fix your issue.
19:20:15: Execution time: 1.88 ms
19:20:15: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘/Users/parkwilliams/Desktop/Astrophotography/M13_30’
19:20:15: Script execution failed
You probably need to remove the process directory between each run if you change the script.
Just a little more spoon-feeding Vinvin:
The process directory is the folder Siril places with the sub folders?
Does image 13 refer to #13 in the lights or is it something different?
You mention deleting the process directory if I edit the script. At this point I wouldn’t have a clue as to how I’d edit the script, but I have more reading to do.
I appreciate you taking the time to hold my hand in this. Once I get just a little further along, I think I’ll be able to roll with this. Overall I am liking the software.
Ok. Got the process directory figured out.
The image 13 thing is a mystery to me.
I removed #13 from all four folders, trashed the process directory and reran the script. Now image 12 fails. I need to find the common denominator.
In the message Opening image 13 failed
, 13 refers to the image with index 13 in the sequence, so the fourteenth of the sequence, which can have a name very different depending on what happened before.
You only needed to remove the process folder, not the image 13 in the original images.
I don’t see why it would fail it you removed it from the original.
Siril has an image viewer. You can use it to check your sequence.
Ok. So what am I looking for?
something unusual
I appreciate your guidance, but I just started using Siril yesterday.
Is this unusual?
Checking sequences in the directory: /Users/parkwilliams/Desktop/Astrophotography/M13_30.
16:01:28: No sequence found, verify working directory or change FITS extension in settings (current is .fit)
.fit extension matches the files.
Then I would suggest to have a look to our tutorial/documentation.
Indeed, Siril is not easy to understand without watching some help before.
For example I was speaking about the frame selector, to check if one image was suspect: Sequences — Siril 1.3.0 documentation
Yeah. I was on that page in the manual when you responded.
I wish there was a troubleshooting guide associated with the documentation. If there is one, I haven’t found it yet.
Btw, the frame selection is grayed out. Have any idea why?
I double-clicked on one of the lights images and the frame selector highlighted, clicked on it and the frame list opened with nothing in it. Indicated “no sequence loaded”. Im back to that. any suggestions?
To load a sequence of images you need to go in the sequence tab and click on search sequences, the big blue button.
If you removed image 13 and now the error is with image 12, it doesn’t seem that your images are the problem, I’d say it’s more a file management issue.
Remove the process
directory from the working directory, make sure your raw images are in the 4 subdirs and run a script again. If it still fails, you may need to look at the images.
The troubleshooting guide you are looking for could be the frequently asked questions: Siril - FAQ
Thanks Vincent, for hanging with me.
I’ve hit the search sequence several times. It shows up below the original script, but no help there.
As far as file management goes, here is my folder organization: Desktop > Astrophotography > M13_30 > biases; darks; flats; lights. Each of files within are all .fit and they are all the same size. No other file types.
I’ve trashed the process directory and reran the script probably 10 times with the same result.
What kind of “thing” could be wrong with any given file? I’ll have to figure out how to view .fit files just to see if one is messed up.
I may just have to start over with an entirely new project and see how that goes.
Thanks again though.
I found the problem. It was a file management thing.
I had extra lights in that folder that I didn’t see. And…I found several darks that were messed up. File sizes were 0.
My bad, for sure